Long Distance
Pierce Long Distance was started in February 1999 to offer our customers one easy to understand plan
with no hidden or monthly charges. Now take advantage of one of our "Simply Your Choice"
Plans, offering you a flat rate choice depending on your calling habits.
Pierce Telephone Company strives to ensure that you are connected to the carrier of your choice. No changes are made without your signature.
Unlimited Long Distance Available with Bundle
Pierce Simple 50
- 50 anytime minutes
Pierce Simple 100
- 100 anytime minutes
Pierce Simple 200
- 200 anytime minutes
Pierce Simple 500
- 500 anytime minutes
Toll Free Number
- 7¢/min.
Unlimited Minutes
- Unlimited minutes
Basic Rates
- 15¢ per minute In-state.
- 10¢ per minute Out-state.
- 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Toll-Free Numbers
- 7¢ per minute with no monthly fee.
You can combine multiple Long Distance Plans to build the perfect long distance package that is right for you.
Or Call Today
* Must be subscribed to Pierce Long Distance for both in-state and out-state carriers to qualify.
**Rates are figured at Basic Rates after plan minutes.