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Pierce Telephone Company, Inc.

Calling Features

Following is a brief list of features that are available and monthly rates
(All prices are reduced within our bundles):

Custom Calling Features*

*Activation Charges Will Apply

Feature Rate
Automatic Call Back
Instead of redialing a busy telephone number, this service enables you to direct the switch to place a call to the last number you dialed. Your phone rings you as soon as the busy line is free, and automatically connects you.

Activation code *66, Deactivation code *86
Automatic Recall
If you couldn't get to the phone in time, you can still find out who called with Automatic Recall. Your phone remembers the number of the incoming call and dials it back for you. You then can return the call by dialing a simple code.

Activation code *69, Deactivation code *89
Call Forward
When you are away from home, your calls can be auromatically transferred quickly and easily, to another number where someone can take a message for you. Simply dial the code and number where you want your calls to be transferred. Call Forwarding can offer extra security by never letting callers know you're away From home.

Activation code *72, Deactivation code *73
Call Forward Busy
Call Forward No Answer
Call Forward Remote Access ....................................................................... $0.50
Calling Name
This is a service that enables customers who subscribe to Caller I.D. to display the calling number and/or name of an incoming call on a special display phone or on an auxiliary display box. Caller I.D. offers res idenrial and commercial customers convenience and security.
Calling Number ID - Business
This is a service that enables customers who subscribe to Caller I.D. to display the calling number and/or name of an incoming call on a special display phone or on an auxiliary display box. Caller I.D. offers res idenrial and commercial customers convenience and security.
Calling Number ID - Residence
This is a service that enables customers who subscribe to Caller I.D. to display the calling number and/or name of an incoming call on a special display phone or on an auxiliary display box. Caller I.D. offers res idenrial and commercial customers convenience and security.
Call Transfer
Call Waiting / Cancel Call Waiting
While talking on the phone, You won't miss an important call. With Call Waiting a special tone alerts you to an incoming call. When you hear the tone, you put one caller on hold while you take the other call. You can even change back and forth between calls. Plus, with Cancel Call Waiting you can eliminate call waiting for the duration of a call. This is especially useful when you do not want your call inrcrrupted or when you are on the Internet.

Activation code *10
Distinctive Ring
The distinctive ring feature allows you to have two telephone numbers assigned to ring on the same line. Each number has a distinctive ring. Assign a separate number to the children and the other to your home or business.
Home Intercom
Ring Again
Selective Call Acceptance
Selective call acceptance enables you to screen incoming calls for acceptance against a specified list. Any calling numbers not on a list you define are routed to announcements and rejected.

Voice prompt *64
Selective Call Forwarding
This service allows you to select which calls to forward - and which not to forward - to another location. When rhe service is turned "on", calls from numbers in your forward list will be re-routed to your "forward to" number. All others will ring at your phone as usual.

Voice prompt *63
Selective Call Rejection
This feature allows you to screen incoming calls for rejection against a specified list. Any calling numbers on the list are rejected and routed to an announcement that will tell them you don't wish ro receive the call.

Voice prompt *60
Speed Calling 8
Reach those you call frequenntly, whether locally or long-distance. With Speed Calling you save time by programming your phone to dial a complete number in response to a one or two digit code dialed by you. You can select to speed call up to 8 or 30 numbers.
Speed Calling 30
Reach those you call frequenntly, whether locally or long-distance. With Speed Calling you save time by programming your phone to dial a complete number in response to a one or two digit code dialed by you. You can select to speed call up to 8 or 30 numbers.
Three-Way Calling
You can now talk no one person privately and then add a third person to your conversation. With Three-way Calling three people in three diffe rent local or long distance places can talk at the same time, saving the expense of a conference call or three separate phone calls.
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