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Pierce Telephone Company, Inc.

Inside Wiring

Did you know that Pierce Telephone Co, Inc. only maintains telephone lines outside of your home? If something were to happen to the wires on the INSIDE, you would be responsible for the cost of repairs. The Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan covers those costs.


Inside Wiring Products

Network Wiring
Network Wiring
Home Run Jacks
Home Run Jacks

Wires can become damaged by many things: lightning, corrosion, moisture, accidents, pets, or rodents. That's why we offer Inside Wire Maintenance Plans. It's like getting insurance on your inside wires. You pay only a small monthly fee, and, should something happen to your inside wires and/or jacks, we will pay the entire cost to repair them.


You are responsible for the repair and maintenance of your inside wiring. However, Pierce Telephone Company, Inc. will maintain your inside wiring for a monthly fee of $1.00 for residential and $2.00 for business, per telephone number, with a twelve (12) month minimum agreement. (Renters may wish to check with landlords.) Without this plan, a service charge of $60.00 for the first 1/2 hour and $10.00 for each additional fifteen (15) minute increment thereafter will be charged for repair or identifying the problem as inside wiring if trouble occurs. There is a $60.00 minimum fee.

Pierce Telephone Company, Inc., has always taken pride in providing what we feel is quality telephone service for you, our subscribers. By subscribing to the Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan, you will ensure the end-to-end quality service that you expect.

Call for promotions and pricing! 888-329-6225

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